3 Ways to Curb Coronavirus Fatigue

Judith Brandon
3 min readMar 17, 2021
A cat with a party hat stares out of the window.

Coronavirus fatigue? We all have it, and sometimes it’s worse than the virus. The world is waiting for us and we have been quarantined, tested, divided into groups, watched numbers all day, seen businesses collapse, have raw hands and faded countertops from spraying and disinfecting not to mention how our eyes are bloodshot tired from responding to screens all day. Even when we have moments of feeling safe, we may cough or feel exhausted and wonder if it’s the virus.

We are in slow motion with exhaustion. It’s normal to feel a malaise when all of your plans and experiences are thwarted. How do we get out of it and become ourselves again?

The number one way, we all know it, repeat after me; TURN OFF THE MEDIA. It’s not just the numbers, cases and vaccines that get reported over and over or the advertising for the related products, it’s also the subtle well meaning conversations that keep us on edge. One hits you like a wrecking ball, PANIC! The numbers are escalating, people are dying, the hospitals are crammed, run for the hills! Wait, no, lock yourself in! The other voice is calm and reassuring, “If we all behave we can get through this together” There it is; the underlying anxiety caused by the people who misbehave. If we don’t do this together, we are all at risk. True or not true, it leads us back to fear, mistrust and isolation. Perhaps the message would be better for our health if it said to love thy neighbor always, but stay socially distant until further notice.

I suggest stepping away from all media for a day.

Number two is creating something! We are creators and innovators, explore what you can do in a day. Clean out your closet, paint a room, try making a cake, do something that engages your body mind and heart. Have a spa day for your dog. Take a deep breath and have a little fun dancing around your kitchen. I enjoy writing cards and sending them snail mail. I’m one of the few artists I know that will send snail mail exhibition cards with handwritten notes. It might take all day, but my response rate is 100x better than emailing or social media invitations. If it’s pinned on a fridge, you’ll get better results. It’s never a challenge to tell people you love and appreciate them in handwritten form. Expressing gratitude is a universal life saver. Here’s a link to an article by Ann Morin on the 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-mentally-strong-people-dont-do/201504/7-scientifically-proven-benefits-gratitude

Number three is my favorite. Connect with nature. Go for a hike, sit in the park, listen to the birds in your backyard, keeping your focus on beauty and wildlife will lift your fatigue. We all know the benefits nature has on our health. The fresh air, the little hand prints of raccoons in the mud, even the excitement the dog has when you drive to to the park will make you smile. It is not an overused expression. To spend time in nature is good for the soul.

Imagine if we spent our time focused on the other statistics that give us joy and good health. The news would be, “2 million families have started backyard and window gardens. People are getting healthy by walking downstream” “There are reports of letters arriving at nursing homes in record numbers. Family photos and recipe requests are spilling into the hallways!” There are many ways to escape the pandemic narrative and lift your spirit again. We give thing’s power we engage with. Care enough about yourself to let it go for a day.

It’s okay to be tired. There’s been a lot keeping our attention away from our natural desires to thrive and achieve. There’s a party going on and we are inside with our hats on, waiting. Make your own party, break the house rules, turn off the tv, get dirty, skip instead of walk to the park, most of all, spread love, and I guarantee your fatigue will lift.

Judith Brandon is a visionary artist and writer who helps artists hack self sabotaging beliefs that keep them from creative and financial gains. www.jmbrandon.com



Judith Brandon

I am a visionary artist and writer who helps artists hack self sabotaging beliefs that keep them from creative and financial gains.